More than 40 years in this business, we have accumulated a lot of knowledge and experiences and we are now ready to move ahead. Our objectives is to be a producer of quality foods and high food safety with responsibility to social and environment. We realize that we are only a small unit in society but we cannot abandon our duty and responsibility to social where we belong.
The guideline of our business operation is " not only a food producer to satisfy basic need of consumers, but also fills a great experience to consumers, " which we featured in the following. Cleanliness - Foods produced by the process and standard that has been recognized by food industry with high food safety. We do really care about health and nutrition of consumers. Convenient - in response to lifestyle changes. Our food must be easy to buy, storage and ease of cooking to consumers. Amusing - Consumers can experience the fun of cooking as we make cooking simple and also enjoy the taste of foods among family member. In order to achieve the alluded objectives, our commitments are : 1) Research and development of new products in order to differentiate ourselves from others in market. 2) Apply modern management technique as well as deployment of new production technology in helping us achieve standards recognized by food industry. 3) Encourage employees to enhance their knowledge and experience to perform the job. 4) Collaborate with community, employees and partners with good morals and ethics in order to get the best results. |
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